Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

This is my writing blog for the new year! Where I plan to blog about, well, writing and other stuff that randomly comes to me. Hence the title. I tried to be all professional and make a writer’s blog using my pseudonym; but, blogger changed it’s format and hell if I can figure out how to do what I want on it.

So I am using this old blog I made probably two years ago and never utilized. You’re probably thinking ‘smart idea since you named it Monkey, Monkey, Underpants!?’. Real professional right? Well, it’s fun and quirky and oh so me so it really will work. At least until I can get the funds to have my own domain and figure out how to use Wordpress.

(P.S. anyone with mucho experience in that area feel free to offer your services to me free of charge. In return I promise to write you into one of my books as a very handsome/beautiful character).

I’ll also give bonus points to anyone who gets what the title references. I won’t say now. I will let you think about it and guess (or google it and find out in two seconds and post in the comments first so you look all smart and stuff which is what everyone will probably do anyway.)

But, the title really will fit how random this blog will be. Because honestly how boring would a blog be where the person only talks about their writing journey? I know I read other author’s blogs but those are published authors with a wealth of knowledge about the business who I read merely hoping they will give a tidbit of info on how they got so lucky to make it in the publishing world.

Unpublished authors? Not nearly as interesting to read about their forays into the written word. So I promise to try and keep it interesting for you. My only readers will probably be family and friends and well, even most of those don’t even have a computer sooo, to my two best friends, the only readers I will likely have, I thank you for putting up with my insanity. Not only in real life, but on a totally self-indulgent blog.

If you are unrelated to me by either blood or choice then I commend you for even attempting to delve into the craziness that is my brain. In the coming weeks you will read posts on writing, old celebrity crushes, new celebrity crushes, book and movie reviews, I am sure a few things about my kids since I am a Mom of two young boys, DIY projects, baking and recipes, Pinterest, goals for 2013, and more! And I promise to try my best to stay interesting and fun along the way!

Hope you are having a great start to your new year! Our family has the crud so not much fun is being had around here, just lots of meds and fluids and sleep. At least for them, Mommy doesn’t get too sleep to much, but the best news about that is that you get my first blog post while I’m all hopped up on cold meds so most of this will probably not make any sense anyway.

“Home, home on the range.....”

Seriously time to take my Nyquiled butt to sleep....


  1. Yay! You're back to blogging! Can't wait to follow along on your craziness via the blogosphere!

    P.S. I have no idea what "monkey, monkey, underpants" is all about and I promise not to cheat and Google it. I'll just wait for someone else to post the answer and nod my head like I knew it all along.

  2. Take 3....

    I am glad to say that I'm not at all frightened by your musings as I've been sharing a brain with you for almost 20 years. Even still, I am always happy to read your work, whatever it may be.

    May the pants always be monkeying ( And the only reason I know what the title means is because it's been exclaimed, in unison and at increasing decibel , by you and Cass on several occasions in effort to draw into your Gilmorian Ways. )

    So proud of you!

  3. Someday Missy you will be a Gilmore convert!! I am shocked you didn't comment on the song at the end....that was all for you since you are the only one that will get why it's so funny. Everyone else probably thinks I am a raving loon!

  4. You should talk to Sara. She does our blog on wordpress and you don't need your own domain.


  5. Well, that's the trouble. I'm so used to your looniness, I don't even notice it any more! LOL I relive that wonderful moment each time I see a Nyquil commercial and giggle at your Nyquil induced hilarity!
